CT Scan Results

I wanted to get my Miles for Mary posted first but it will have to wait.  We got our results back from the CT scan this morning.  First, let me tell you that I am so excited to tell everyone that I am sitting in chemotherapy, waiting for them to get me hooked up and started, posting the results.


  1. Excellent response to chemotherapy.
  2. The primary lesion within the inferior right breast is significantly decreased in size as compared to previous exam.
  3. Right axillary lymph nodes are smaller in size and are now largely composed of fatty hila.
  4. The pulmonary  nodules noted on prior exam are now completely absent.
  5. No evidence of metastatic disease to the abdomen or pelvis.”

Well, there you have it.  What does this all mean?  It means miracles happen!  There is no evidence of cancer in my lungs.  I’m not thrilled to hear my lymph nodes are “fatty” but that is what they are supposed to be.  I don’t think I’d like anything to be called “fatty” but in this case I’ll take it.  THE CANCER IN MY LUNGS IS “NOW COMPLETELY ABSENT.”  The mass in my breast is reduced by more than half and I can’t even feel it any more.

From here, we will continue with the chemotherapy for another three rounds.  Then, again in 9 weeks, we will do another CT scan to see if we can finish off the mass in my breast and get it down to “no evidence of disease.”  And then the wait.  We will then make a decision as to what we want to do about maintaining the “no evidence of disease.”  If we can get three years of no reoccurrence, my prognosis will change.  It will drastically change.  It could mean a prognosis change from roughly 4 years to more than 10 years.

Suddenly, I am flooded with hope.  Look what prayers do!  Look what the faith and hope of so many can change!  I am first and foremost thankful to my Father in Heaven for this miracle.  He has heard the pleading from my soul.  I believe that more loudly and more clearly, he has heard the pleadings from all of yours.  Your kind requests to the Lord have been heard.  He is listening!

I know that my life, because of this cancer, will have more ups and downs.  I know that this won’t be all rainbows and lollipops from here.  However, it is today.  I am all smiles and mostly tears of joy.  Literally, I have been crying all morning since I got the news.

Lastly, I must offer a special thank you to Moises Barreiro.  When I was diagnosed with cancer, back in February, my dear deceased father-in-law once told Josue that he had offered a prayer asking the Lord to take him instead of me.  I remember, at the time, Josue and I both thought that was such a kind gesture.  Now, it seems like a grand gesture.  He and my father are, as my Aunt Deb would say, pulling for me on the other side.

Life is good and it looks like I have a little more of it to live.


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